Friday, July 3, 2015

Friday Scary Story, July 3, 2015

I keep finding spiders.

Thick ones that move fast.

I found webs under my bed, and in between my clothes in the closet.

When I move my curtains, a few always drop down.

I followed one to the attic.  The opening is in the ceiling, above my desk.

When I pushed it open, a heavy spider jumped on my face.

I fell.  I must have hit my head.  I can't focus.

I can't make myself move.  I can't get control of my panic attack.

They're dropping down on me.  There's so many.  They're getting heavy.

I feel my face, and body swelling from their bites.

They are tearing at me.  

I hear them scratching in my ears.

I can smell blood.

I can taste it.

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