Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday Scary Story, October 3, 2014

Sometimes dreams feel real...

Sometimes I don't know if I am in one, or not...

Three days ago, I had a dream.  I was staring at an old abandoned farmhouse.  It was overcast and drizzly.

I was with two small children.  We needed shelter.

We stood there staring at the house.  I felt a presence was there.  I felt like something was watching us.

I had to check it out, before letting the children go too close.

I felt sick as I walked closer to the screen door.

I was afraid.

I could feel the entity.  It was trying to scare me away.

It was so strong.

My breathe was shallow.  I wanted to run.  But, I stared hard into the discolored screen.

I saw it.  It was a women, she was only a few inches away from my face.

She was a ghost.

I stared at her eyes.  They were so familiar.  They were the only thing that had color.

Suddenly, I felt like I was melting.  Heat was pouring over me.

I realized, her eyes were mine.

I was staring at me.

It's been three days since I believe I had a dream...

I am afraid to look in the mirror.


Unknown said...

OH! My! Gosh!!! For some reason, that just freaked me out. You're scary! ... I love it.

Linda Scarlett said...

Thank you! I appreciate you.