Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday Scary Story, December 19, 2014

Meat soup.

It's my specialty.  People love it.

I only make it once a year.  It takes time to gather the ingredients.  It takes time to gather my meat.

I hunt for it.  I hunt for long pig.  They are easy to outsmart.  Easy to capture.

But, it takes patience.  It takes time.  I only take the mean ones. The ones that are not kind.

They come to me.  I pretend I am weak.  It works every time.

It is their fault.

They ask for it.  They shouldn't be bad.  They shouldn't hurt anyone. They shouldn't try to hurt me.  They picked the wrong chick.

They don't get away with it.  I make it right for those who were not able to.  I do it for them.  Now these long pigs will be chewed up by sharp teeth.  Digested by stomach acids... nothing will be left.

I make it quick. I don't let them suffer.  I am not like them.

Nobody notices.

Nobody cares.

They should be good, like me.

I am not like them.

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